If the parameter value contains a blank character, it must be enclosed in quotes (single (‘) or double quotes(“)). (No spaces in between the components.) Multiple parameters can be specified in any order. Parameter values are indicated by specifying the parameter name followed by an equal sign (=) followed by the parameter value.

HTML commands are free field HTML commands are case insensitive Basic HTML HTML commands consist of tags, parameters, and text All tags are enclosed in angle brackets () Most tags have a beginning tag and an ending tag. The file index.html must be placed in a subdirectory called public_htmlwhich must be a subdirectory one level below your home directory. Some browsers allow the commands to be placed in the file default.html. The commands to create your homepage should be stored in an ASCII text file called index.html. Using the UNIX system text editor (PICO) create the file on the server computer Using an HTML graphics based editor (I.e., Front Page), create the file on the client computer and upload it to the server computer Use some combination of the two above described approaches Use your PC text editor (i.e., Notepad) to create the file then upload it to the server Approaches To Creating HTML Files Hypertext Markup Language Standards set by World Wide Web Commission (W3C) HTML Versions (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.x, 4.x) Not all browsers render all commands Not all browsers render all commands the same way Netscape and I/E have some commands or options that are different HTML Can store the file on your PC to test it out, then the file must be uploaded to a server. You must have the file and directory permissions set correctly. This file must be stored on the server computer so that other users will have access to it. Must create a text file with commands to render the page.

CSS 404/504 Internet Concepts Building Web Pages #1 By Ralph Bisland Title Slide