When the uncle falls asleep in the hotel, the player can open his briefcase and collect notes that put together a backstory. The player may choose to upgrade the Laika if he has enough money. The cities he stops in all contain shops important to maintaining his car, and to sell objects found in discarded boxes strewn across the roads on his trip. The player passes through Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and Turkey on his trip with his uncle. The main task of the game is to get to Istanbul to drop the Uncle off all the while maintaining the Laika which is prone to frequent breakdowns signified by smoke coming from the sides of the bonnet. Two Turkish-Germans from Eastern Berlin who decided to go on a road trip to Istanbul since the Iron Curtain fell. The game follows the player character known only as Splat and his Uncle Lütfi.

The game follows two characters, the player and their uncle, who attempt to build a Laika (a car modelled after the Trabant 601) from individual parts and drive from East Berlin to Turkey using it. Jalopy is a simulation video game developed by British indie studio Minskworks and published by Excalibur Publishing.